Saturday, February 2, 2013


   This morning we went to a Special Needs school named Treeside. It was fun! We drove up and all the kids started running, screaming, screeching, all with smiles, toward us and tackled all of us in a huge group hug! It was overwhelming at first. There was probably about 25 -30 kids, ages 8-20. Their were some drooling, yelling, laughing, skipping, obvious they were full of joy that we were coming to visit them. They were really the sweetest things. :)
We played football (again, soccer. TIA-This Is Africa!), lots of racing games, Frisbee  volleyball (with no net mind you..), and a game similar to Duck-duck-goose. After about an hour and a half, we walked up to the school and they sang and danced some hymns in Swahili which was such a blessing! We returned inside to a room with various tables with chair and some benches. We served them Chai (tea mixed with milk and sugar. yum!) and cookies (called biscuits here). They prayed, we prayed and we said goodbye.

Chris said that they will remember us from year to come. Personally, it was overwhelming. I enjoyed it, but I couldn't wait to get home. Jesus was working on me in a way I would have least expected...

I realized how much hope and freedom I have and joy when I look forward to the future. Those kids may be there for the rest of their life. They won't get to experience things like, relationships, seeing other cultures, other people, learn about the world and life, etc. They might not understand what God's love is and what he has done for them. It was breaking my heart. It was also a painful reminder of how blessed and "perfect" my life is.
However, if I/we can provide a few hours of joy every other Saturday, it is worth it. I will pray for them to see and understand that there is a God that loves them so much he gave EVERYTHING for them. Especially in the helpless state they seem to be in. We are ALL helpless just like them. Without Jesus, we are: helpless, hopeless about our future, and we don't know what we are missing. But Jesus provides hope, joy, peace a future!

He has plans for those kids, and maybe it is to teach me/ us a lesson. Are you listening? Am I listening?

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