Friday, February 23, 2018

The Blizzard of Entitlement vs. What I Actually Deserve

I woke up this morning to about a foot of snow outside and it was still coming down in huge snowflakes. With the wind blowing it looked more like a blizzard, at least to my Texan eyes! I was on my way to meet someone on campus so I had no choice but to brave the weather and start walking fast. Since I am still new to this huge campus it took me a while to figure out what road I needed to take to get to this ladies house. My GPS said it would only take 15 minutes of walking, but I didn’t factor in the snow OR the fact that campus looks a whole lot different in the snow. Since the wind was blowing hard it was mandatory to walk with your face down to keep the snow out of your eyes. Now you can image, it is relatively easy to get lost when you aren’t looking directly where you are going AND everything is covered in white. Let’s just say I kept begging the Lord to show me which way to go. I made it to the lady’s house about 20 minutes late and had ice stuck in my hair, hat, and coat. We chatted for a few minutes, she gave me the item I came to pick up and I took a deep breath as I walked back outside in to the biggest “Blizzard” I have ever been in.

Reflecting back, I was so upset with myself that I couldn’t find my own way to her house, I was late, and now I was soaking wet. All I wanted to do was just to go home and crawl in bed. One word was brought to mind. Entitlement. It is a disease that kills us from the inside out. It is nasty! I didn’t think I was entitled to much until I remember walking through the snow asking God if he was going to help me or not. Then I began to contemplate other things that I expected God to give me for being obedient to Him. Many times we as people get caught up with what we expect from God and we get angry when it doesn’t go out way. David Marvin from The Porch Dallas put it this way, “it happens when someone is getting involved in serving and falling hard after Jesus then they hit a wall where they become bitter towards God that they are not to where they want to be in their relationship status. They feel entitled to find Mr. Right, or have good health.” We set expectations on social expectations not biblical expectations.

In reality, I deserve hell and eternal separation from God. But not only did God not give me what I deserved, but He gave me His best! I get to live with Him in paradise for an eternity. I don’t know about you but I couldn’t help but weep when I realized what life would be like without Jesus in it. He has been my friend, my companion when I feel like I don’t have any, my peace and comfort when I’m scared, my healer when I’m sick, my GPS when I don’t know where to go. I literally could not breathe without Him.
The words from this song have become the cry of my heart. (low quality video, high quality lyrics) 

Honestly, God broke my heart for the people around me that go through their day just trying to survive until the next day. They have no hope that things will turn out ok, they have no companionship when all their friends are busy on a Saturday night, they have no one to talk to when they are lost. I can’t even fathom what it is like to live in that darkness, can you?

May the Lord break our hearts for what breaks His. Enough for us to have the compassion to speak life into the people around us. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Everyone Loves Introductions, Don't You?

I made it! I have officially been in Canada longer than I have ever been at one time! It's been an incredible two-almost-three weeks since arriving and there is so much to tell! Miracles have been happening all around me I can barely keep up with all of them. The Lord continues to bless me in the friendships I reconnected with and countless opportunities to make new ones. I'm still getting settled into my new surroundings, but I still feel like I wake up in a new world every day. Literally! Campus is growing so rapidly, it seems a new building opens everyday! Here is a few picture I snapped around campus and a few cool stories behind them! Enjoy!

The public transit system in Vancouver is amazing. They do a really good job at moving thousands of people where they need to be on a pretty consistent schedule! 

 This is my apartment building as you just enter campus :) It's two blocks from the bus loop, a 3 minute walk to Starbucks, McDonald's, and the Dollar Store! 
This is called "Main Mall" which is the main walkway through the heart of campus. (I'll share a map with you later) 
 At the north end of campus you can see this beautiful mountain range beyond the water. 
 This is one of the oldest buildings on campus! Just look at the old clock tower! 
This building has had a lot of movies filmed in it, including Harry Potter apparently. 

 Magnificent isn't it?  
This is the beautiful Forestry building. This is a popular major at UBC as well and I can't tell you how many students I have met that study Forestry.  
 This is Regent College, which is the "seminary of UBC" and it is practically across the street from my apartment!
 This is on the coast of campus called Wreck Beach. Beautiful even on cloudy days!
 This is a neighborhood on the south side of campus that is growing rapidly! Wesbrook is home to many new apartment buildings, community center, a high school, a tea shop, Blenz coffee, Menchie's frozen yogurt, and Save On Foods. I walk the mile to come grocery shopping for things I need and don't have time to go off campus to shop :) 
 The neighborhood is beautiful!

What do my weeks look like? Good question! I am actually still tweaking my schedule and getting used to a new normal, which will take a little bit longer than I thought. There is a season and a time for everything. 
On Mondays all the Christian clubs on campus welcome people to a group called Alpha. We have a meal together and everyone is assigned to a table. After dinner and fellowship, we watch a film about different topics that lots of people ask when they are seeking Truth. Last week we discussed, "What is prayer and how do we pray?" After watching the thought-provoking video, we discuss at our tables our impressions of the video and share personal experiences. This creates a warm and welcome place for people of all faiths to come and ask their questions about Christianity. I have only been there twice and have been amazed at how open people are with each other! There has been over 15 decisions to follow Jesus already this semester! Any many more who are still curious and ask more questions! Praise the Lord! 
Tuesday (or whatever day is best for all of us to meet during the week), is when we have Origin Staff meetings at the Beanery, my favorite coffee shop! 
Last week I also attended all of the "Life Groups" that are lead by members at Origin that discuss about the sermon from the previous Sunday. It was a great way to meet lots of people and have personal conversations with everyone! 

I did have a couple breakthroughs this week. I haven't gotten lost or missed a bus in a week, I actually run into a few people I know while walking through campus (which is SO EXCITING!), I have shared many meals with many random people this week, I have been welcomed into many homes, apartments, and study halls. Seems like every time I meet someone new they say, "Wait, YOU'RE Brindley?!" Which is a very scary thought... I also forget that this has been a three year process of praying and seeking and talking with people here what the Lord has been showing me. So the secret is out! I am here because God sent me and I am just as excited as my coworkers are! :)

Stay tuned for more stories and cool God moments as I walk through this journey with you! 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

12 Reasons Why You Know You Are Not in Texas Anymore…

Did you know you can still experience culture shock even when you move to another first-world county? I didn’t. Did you know that you can still experience jet lag with just a two-hour time difference? I didn’t know that either. Did you know Vancouver is very different than Fort Worth, Texas? I am learning this.

I have experienced many things in the past 6 days spent here in Vancouver. Shockingly, I have even experienced differences in the way of life here I never thought I would experience.

So, here are my “12 Reasons Why You Know You Are Not in Texas Anymore.”

  1. When the sun comes out in Vancouver, people think they are going to melt away and start shedding layers of clothing. Yes, they call it Raincouver for a reason!
  2. People don’t talk while riding the bus. Even if they are awkwardly standing in your personal space.
  3. You can only buy as many groceries as you can carry. Unless you have one of those really handy shopping “carts” that your mom used to take with her to garage sales.
  4. It takes 10 minutes to throw away your trash. They recycle EVERYTHING. (Btw, your gum goes in the garbage can not the compost. You’re welcome, I just saved you 4 minutes.)
  5. Some of the buses smell like substances-that-you-thought-were-illegal-but-now-they-aren’t.
  6. It’s not at all uncommon to hear 4 different languages spoken by those in your immediate surroundings.
  7. Everything at the supermarket is either organic, vegan, lactose free, gluten free, cage free, GMO free, etc. just not Free.
  8. There are Starbucks and/or coffee shops at EVERY corner, even in the same building! Caffeine FOR DAYS.
  9. Racism is not a common word here. Canada has been mentioned to be “a beacon of racial equality” by foreigners. In one day I met a lady from London, a man from Israel, a student from China, a couple from Korea, and a guy from Texas! (Quite a unique perspective than in the South).
  10. The concept of personal space only extends to the width of your umbrella. When you are on a crowded bus, start pushing or you won’t get in. Also, this makes eye contact very awkward, just pick a spot on the wall or stare at your shoes during your ride. 
  11. You always remove your shoes at the door. Since walking is your primary mode of transportation, you don’t want to bring the street into the house with you!
  12. Most people will give you directions using the street names, but it doesn’t help when they are mostly numbers! “If you want to go the grocery store, take the 99 to 41st, then turn left at 43rd Ave, right on 45th, and its on the left.”  See what I mean? Better learn fast!

Yes, most of these I learned the hard way. The most distinct moment of culture shock I had this week was Saturday night. Come to think of it, I experienced almost all 12 of these differences. No wonder I was overwhelmed!

Saturday I was blessed to have lunch and afternoon coffee with a neighbor that lives across the street from me. As we were chatting, I realized I did not have any food to eat for dinner. She happened to have dinner with a friend that night in town, so she offered to show me where the grocery store was on the way out of town.

We hopped on the bus and went a few blocks. She pointed out the street I needed to walk down and gave me directions to the store where the prices were a LOT cheaper. I thanked her, stepped of the bus and walked down the street she pointed out. Five blocks later, I walked all the way around the building I thought the store was in, only to find out it was in the basement with the parking garage. I found the basics I needed and stood in the long line to check out. When I went to pay, my Visa was declined, I left my Canadian bank card at home, AND I had no cash. Thankfully, the cashier suspended my order and said there was an ATM close by.

After I breathed a prayer for help, I had to ask several more people where the ATM was and 10 minutes later I was standing upstairs and across the street to get money out. I walk back across the street, in the rain, downstairs, back to the store, stand in another long line just to pay for my groceries. By this point it is almost 8pm, I’m tired, it’s dark, I don’t know where the bus stop is, I’m starving, and I’m dragging my groceries behind me in my shopping cart.

Talk about overwhelmed! All I wanted to do was to stand there and have a pity party, but that was not going to solve anything! I decided to pull up my “Big Girl Pants” and make some Jesus-lead decisions. First, I needed something to eat so my stomach would quit growling. Thankfully, there was an A&W at the corner (thank you, Lord)! After I finished my burger, I looked up where my bus stop was, and I walked over to where I thought it was. By the grace of God, the bus came after 3 minutes of standing in the rain. 😊

When I walked through the door at my apartment, I have never been so thankfully to see familiar places!

I told this to a couple students who asked how my first week has been and they said, “what a testimony!” I smiled because I knew they were right! God continues to provide what I need to get me back home.