Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blacklight Run!

Well I am following up with America's new years resolution... Getting in shape! I love to exercise. Call me crazy, but I also love sports. So far, we have done pretty good. We run 3-4 times a week and the other day do crunches or push-ups. It makes it so much more worth while when you do it with friends.
My friend Tony introduced me to M-100's. They kick my butt. (In a nut shell they are like up-downs, mountain climbers, and squats all in one 3-minute-full-body workout. I am I can't move after 2 sets.) My first time at an up-down I face planted on the concrete.  OUCH. But they work!

Christmas Eve, I talked my mom into doing a 5K with me. For a 8 year breast cancer survivor and a mom, I was incredible proud of her! A few other friends decided to run too!
Standing out in the freezing cold, I painted our neon colored nails..

 The gang!
 Glow sticks for everyone!
 Shelly even found paint...

 I love to run with these too. They challenge you and keep pace.

 Mom and me! She was so excited!
 13,000 strong!
 Through the Blacklight zones

 WE rounded the turn toward the finish line, and Aaron said, "Brindley, wanna to race?" I took off in a sprint, and all the people who finished before me lined the sides. They started cheering us on! Man, that adrenaline is addicting!

We were covered in glow dust, and we had a blast. Couldn't wait to get home and warm up though...
Mom said. "So when's the next 5K?" :)