Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sema guys!

We are blessed to be able to partner up and work with these amazing men from Sema. They are a group of local pastors from all over Nairobi, who do leather work of all kinds (Bracelets, necklaces, belts, bookmarks, key chains, notebooks, Folders, coasters, etc..) and sell them to raise money for missions. They also do some community outreach on the weekends along with pastoring their churches, and providing for their families. They have such a heart for getting the gospel out to their community. This week we got to be a part of their outreach by providing water filters to some homes while sharing the Gospel to them and challenging them to make a difference in their homes and their friends lives.

These men have such devotion to God and are truly an encouragement to me and my team. The water filters are a great open door to story telling with the various villages. It is a basic 5 gallon bucket, a pottery type filter, and a blue lid. The water is poured into the "pottery type pot" and that filters out the bacteria, and leaves clean water that comes out of the spout.
The Sema guys! The blue thing is the water filter we help put together. Below is a friends little girl. She is a sweety!
 We provided a water filter for Sylvia (the one holding it). She invited us into her very small house and her friends came over. She has accepted Christ and now reaching out to her friends. The one in the purple dress shirt is Big Patrick who pastors in that area. :)
The filters are made in Kenya and only cost anywhere from $11-$20 each. Sema (the shop) is struggling right now since they are supported over 50% by the BGR (Baptist Global Response). If you would like to buy anything from them, or donate for more water filters you can contact me and I will see what I can do. It is really cool to see how brothers and sisters from America can help support them!

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