Friday, March 1, 2013

The Great Cost...

     In our team meeting this week, a question was posed. "What does it mean to you to follow Christ?" In the good old days (like I would know..), Jesus called his disciples to sell everything they had to follow him. They were called to take up their crosses, which is today's equivalent to the electric chair, daily and to follow him no matter what the cost.
        I ask myself, What am I willing to give up or do for the sake of Christ? To come to Africa, I had to give up my former life, everything that was familiar to me, jumping in with both feet, and trusting in the one who gave me life. This is nothing on me. I did not do anything worthy or awesome to deserve to be looked up to for coming here. I am just a teenage girl from a little town in Texas. God just asked the question and I said, "Yes, I will serve you not matter what." I am so unworthy to have a personal relationship with such a loving and gracious God! If you have EVER experienced even a glimpse of the presence of God, you will give ANYTHING to be in it again. 

"But whatever was to MY PROFIT, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
 What is more, I consider everything a loss 
compared to the surpassing greatness of KNOWING Christ Jesus my Lord,
 for whose SAKE I have lost ALL things. I consider them RUBBISH  that I may gain Christ..."
-Philippians 3:7-8-

God has the same calling on our of our lives. he has called us to say yes no matter what the cost. He has called us to tell our stories of His amazing grace shown to us: to every person around us. Wherever that is: sitting in class, at work, home, church, Walmart, Taco Bell, or in another country. Our lives should show how God has changed us. We have to examine ourselves (Me more than anyone) to make sure our actions match our works. That is crucial. Everything we do should point to the one who saved us. Whether it is praying over your cheeseburger, "Lord, thank you for cows..." (After all He is the one who created them!)  or dealing with co-worker who drive you crazy. Is your actions matching your words?
We are only here for a short time: just a blimp in eternity. If you were to stand before God tomorrow and had to give an account of what good you have done while on earth, what would you say? I would be speechless while hanging my head in shame. If we often reflect on the short time we have, how would that change how we live now? How are we going to honor Christ with all that you are here and now? How are YOU going to impact the world around you by your actions and your words? What cost will you give up? 

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