The view of the tea fields from the seminary!
There was a lot of walking.. in mud, up hills, etc...
Yep, Washington leading me and Lydia through the "lake"...
Some of the village kids..Albert and Ester.
Amy and sweet little Elisabeth.
Simply beautiful...
This took my breath away...
My sisters Joy and Diana
Walking back up the hill to the seminary for dinner! Beware of mud slides!
I was feeling inspired by the tea fields on the hillside, wearing long skirts, and telling stories of Jesus ( which reminds me of biblical times..) so I made a head wrap. They called me Mary Magdalene.
This is Hudgingson, or Kesh, and Ester. (Curiously the switched jackets because apparently she was more Brazilian than him... It's Brazilian colors, for those who don't know!)
Typical sight.. Even in Nairobi!
Kesh is a great photographer.. I borrowed some of these from him. Totally precious!
Chris, Nashon (from Ruaraka Baptist who came with us), Ester and Albert. Those are greenhouses behind them. Most of Kenya's tea comes from this area.
LOVE this!
AAANND more walking...
Kesh playing village Hop Scotch... It's harder than it looks, trust me.
Some apartment like buildings a common site in Kenya. Especially Nairobi...
Playing with the kids! Kesh, Em Jo, and Albo!
They are so cute and love to give hugs!
Kesh smiling!!
Vincent, Joy, Em Jo, Albert and I enjoying the heat from the space heater.. Never thought I would use one of those in Africa. I stand corrected! It get pretty chilly up there!
Kasey, Me, and Em Jo having some laughs. :)
These guys are family!
We are so cute..
The bun- bun girls!
The stairs to the second floor...
The girls room.. I couldn't get rid of those memories from church camp...
Dinner with our team of 17 people.
Our awesome staff who cooked some incredible food over the weekend...
Soup, fruit, chapati, beef stew, vegetables, and rice. Typical Kenyan meal.
Kesh fit the whole piece of watermelon in his mouth. I kept telling him he has a big mouth... I also ate a gnat in my soup. Little extra protein wouldn't hurt anyone!
Lydia, Joy, and Diana.
Kasey and Emily sharing about "How to share your testimony 101".
Joy and Sudi!!!
Albo being himself... Makes me laugh!
View of the front door to the seminary..
On the way back to the village with the group. Joy actually smiles! (She never does in pictures.)
Inside our Matatu...
Sharing with Paul. I am in awe of what Jesus did through us here. We greeted him, Washington asked me to share something with him, he invited us in and I shared my testimony with him. He asked how to become a follower of Jesus, I told him and Washington prayed with him! Praise our Lord for giving us words to say and the opportunity to say them in!
Sharing with some girls from the university.. For a total of 5.5hours we walked along this one road, talking to people in their houses, one the side of the road, students headed to school, etc.
These kids followed us around..
The one in the hunter green sweater, saw me and yelled out "Mary Aklaaba!" (Who is a white girl with dark hair in a Swahili soap opera...) LOL He yelled it every time he saw me and people would start looking..
This little girl wanted her picture taken while she was all dressed up! :)
The BEST lunch! Bejia's (the potatoe- looking things...) Fried fish and chicken, and BBQ SAUCE!!! And I may have or may have not licked two people's plates clean of BBQ sauce...
And walking back to the Matatu..
This was another God given moment! Washington told me before we went to this place, that it was my turn to start the conversation. I greeted them in Swahili, introduced myself and my friends and asked if I could share a story with them (His friend, who is not in this picture, is in the corner..). I shared C2C (Creation to Church), and then my testimony, I began to ask them questions about my stories. I honestly cannot remember what I said, or what I asked. The Holy Spirit kept speaking through me. It was real.
Welcome to New Life Baptist Church where we showed the Jesus Film!
Me and Emmanuel disgusting something...
Watching the Jesus film!
Standing room only...
Deep thoughts of Jesus...
They love sitting in your laps and giving hugs!
This is a wonderful place. They have a coffee shop, gift shop, restaurant, lounge area, TV room, etc. I ordered Fajitas and informed my friends, THIS is Texan. I felt like I was home! They also have really great cappuccino muffins...
I learned a LOT this weekend and I am praising the Lord that he let me be a part of what he is already doing in my friends lives and in the other Kenyans around us!
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