Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Happenings!

Well, life is been crazy here in Nairobi! We have dubbed this last month as "crunch time" as we are striving to finish strong. We are making every moment count, and have entertained people at the house for the last two weeks.
     A friend whose roommate hasn't come back to campus yet has been staying on our couch for the last week. She has got to see what living a Christian life looks like, and even attended church and Bible Study with us! Continue to pray for God to rock her world and help her to realize her need for him and the truth.
       I have been giving ample opportunities to play soccer (or football here) with some of the university guys each evening. Ester, my roommate, has taught me a lot! The first game was interesting... The second time we decided to play "street soccer" on the basketball courts... I like that much better! They helped me score 3 times the first night, and one the second. These guys are intense! Thankfully they don't go too hard because they don't want to "break" us girls. Psh, please. Bring it on!
   Most of these guys are lost, some are cousins (people from another faith). We have been praying that God will give us opportunities of witnessing by actions, and for God to send some godly guys who can share the gospel with them...
        Sunday night we invited some of the guys from church (Mamlaka Hill Chapel) and school to come and watch. Several guys from Mamlaka showed up and made pretty good conversation with the rest of the group. The game ended up in a draw (which was probably a good thing.. Africans are VERY passionate about football..) We decided to all load up in the condor and drive to school to play... The 4 guys from Mamlaka, me and Ester, and all the other futsal guys played for almost 2 hours. Everyone was loving every minute of it. (All this week both groups have been asking when we could play again...) When we dropped the church guys off at the Matatu station we all gathered around for a sweaty group hug, and I jokingly said, " Whose praying?" Ted begins thanking God for the friends they met, and for God to give them opportunities to share Christ with them... Wow.. We DID NOT tell them that what we were praying for.
                  I LOVE how creative and encouraging my God is!

They guys (from Mamlaka) also said they are coming to cook for us and play again. So we are praying for opportunities for them to share!
We also had a chance to really dive into the Word with our KU girls. We are studying James and how to live a Christian life. Praying for conviction and a hunger and thirst for his Word! :)

This weekend (starting tomorrow) starts a new mission trip. We are headed north to Brackenhurst where we will be doing door to door evangelism. Partnering with a local pastor, who is a seminary student there, we will be engaging in his community. Pray for Pastor Evans and his church family to grow and encourage him! It is going to be cold up there, which is also exciting!

Pray for hearts to be softened, for opportunities to share and learn, and for our team of 15 (including students!) to grow in their faith! It is going to be an incredible weekend and I can't wait to see what God is going to do! Pictures next week!!

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