Being crazy which is natural to us..
We got to stay in a village with a real live African family for a weekend in Botswana. This is me and little "Blactini" or in English "Pongo".
This is our church service held in the living room. We ended up with 30 kids, 6 teens, and about 5 adults. :)
"How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News."
We played Father Abraham, Red Rover, Duck-Duck-Goose, and Simon Says.
Kasey and Dennis who is 4. He was shy but warmed up to us quickly! He is VERY ticklish!
The older lady on the right is 93 years old, and is the lady (in the middle) great grandmother.
Me and Kayla holding the naked chicken!
Plucking the chicken.. It was actually easier than it looks!
Me and Dennis stuffing our faces..
This is Luda, my African sister's little girl (so my African niece ), Dennis and May Grace is in the back. She is our wonderful loving host! She is the sweetest thing and my African grandmother. :)
Playing an African game with Luda, Hope, and Dennis.
Kasey & Luda, Me & Hope, Amy & Dennis.
This is during our hour long bus ride. This guy is a 20 year old who insisted he was going to get Kayla to marry him. I nearly DIED laughing along with the rest of the bus as they were arguing. Thankfully our Hands On guys were protective. :)
You are still traveling. I wonder how many miles you will travel ? The Afircangame looked interesting. How did you play it? Stay strong.:)