Sunday, May 15, 2016

What is Rest?

Rest. I don't know the meaning of this word. In my mind, it means sleep, but that's not always true. Rest is essential to life, you cannot survive without it. A lot of times I think, "Oh, I got six to nine hours of sleep last night I have rested plenty!" But in reality, my mind and was not resting even though my body was. Rest effects your whole self - physical, emotional, and spiritual health. 
Physical rest = sleep. Check!
Emotional/ mental health = releasing stress through watching movies or doing something fun. Check!
Spirit Rest = sitting, not standing, in the presence of God is the only place you will find true rest. 
What does that look like? Jesus even made a habit to completely get alone and spend 1 on 1 time with God. He would pray and commune with God. That was so important! Yes, Jesus must have disappointed people when he left and didn't stay to help them. He was human, he needed time alone with his Father. I am no better! I am not stronger than him! I need to rest. I need to make time to rest. (Just like I make time to eat, sleep, and workout.) 
Matthew 11:28-30 says"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
For the first time, I finally realized it says, "COME to me and I will GIVE you rest." He doesn't ask us to do anything except COME and receive his gift of rest. When we rest in him,  we give him compete control and show we trust him for what is best for us.  I want to encourage you to find something you enjoy doing by yourself and make time to sit still and know that he is God and that he has everything under control.  Last week after a long couple of weeks,  I finally took time at the end of the day to go for a run.  After my run,  I sat on the swing set of a local playground.  It was late I  the evening and no one was there. I was so emotional and spiritually exhausted I couldnt think of what to say or where to start.  It's hard to explain,  but the Holy Spirit knew exactly what to say for me.  He gave me peace and rest I needed.  It was as if he was talking to God on behalf of me,  crying out everything I wanted to scream and let go of. Then if felt like God was saying, "Brindley,  I know you are tired, and worn out,  but I will give you the strength,  but for now just be still and know I have everything under control." 
That is the best run I have had in a while, all because I finally MADE time in my schedule to get alone to be with God.  I challenge you to do the same and "He will give you rest." 

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