Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prayer List

Hey guys! I got a couple prayer request.

  • My roommate Kasey is getting over some kind of a stomach bug. She is feeling better (Praise the Lord!) after sleeping for almost 2 days.
  • God to give us eyes to see the people that God wants us to disciple. 
  • My other teammate, Kayla, to get over her pink eye.
  • Strong immune systems for the rest of us!
  • Opportunities to share Christ with students.
Some Praises!!!
  • We got to meet a bunch of students through softball practice/game, dinner, friends of friends, church members, etc. 
  • Went to a BFF (Bon Fire Fellowship) at a local Baptist church which was very uplifting! 
  • Met some church members who hip hop dance in competitions and church! They are going to teach us a few moves and swahili words! 
  • getting along great with roommates and team members.
  • God's peace that only HE can provide!
I cannot thank you enough for remembering me in your thoughts and prayers. You are a source of peace when I want to give up and go home. God keeps reminding me why he has me here and I believe it has been through you prayers, so thank you dear friends! :) You guys are awesome! 

1 comment:

  1. You are learning swahili, and hip hop dance moves?
    Dang, you are going to be more African than I am!
    Just joking...

    You are touching a lot of peoples' lives.
    You are all in my prayers.
