Saturday, January 5, 2013


Packing, packing, and MORE packing! I have done a lot of shopping and buying stuff for my 5 month stay. And I am just saying that I love having the excuse to buy stuff!
       I honestly have no idea what I am going to do without my mommy. She has been my sanity in the midst of all the craziness of packing. She is the biggest blessing in my life and I know she would appreciate your prayers as she encounters this huge change in her life. (Considering I am the first kid to move out of the house. Moms just think they have it tough when their kids go to college a few hours away! I am at least 24 hours away. Thank you dear Lord for technology!)

I also wanted to mention that I won't be able to communicate for the first week and a half while I go to orientation. Please pray:

  • For safety arrival
  • Luggage availability
  • Strength (physically, spiritual, and emotional!) 
  • A sensitive heart
  • Comfort and Peace for my family 
Joshua 1:9


  1. You are changing lives here and in Africia....I am proud to call you friend. I love you BB and you will be in my prayers..and I promise to be there for your mom..

  2. we will keep praying for yall there and yea your mom is proud of you but miss you at the same time :) good that you are following God and worshiping to others :)
