Saturday, February 13, 2016

Life Decisions

I have had to make a lot of decisions lately. Decisions about daily tasks, (To do or not to do homework, THAT is the question….) and decisions about life, (relationships of every kind: with guys, friends, roommates, and family.) As I have been praying for wisdom, I started to read Proverbs last week. It keeps going on and on about “...treasure my commands, keep my commandments and live, do not forget your father’s teachings…” But then it encourages you to find wisdom and understanding, and I’m thinking, YES! I need wisdom and understanding! Lord, speak to me and show me what that is!

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight,” says Proverbs 9:10.

What does it mean when it says “fear?” In the first nine chapters, fear is referred to as a “reverential  awe and admiring, submissive fear.” Essentially, it is to really know God for who he is. He is the Great I Am who takes care of his children. He is the Provider, Creator, and Savior. He knows EVERYTHING about us, down to how many hairs are on our head (WOW, because I have a head FULL of long thick brown hair…) He knows my every thought, word, and action. He know how much sleep I get (or don’t get!) each night. He knows every worry, every emotion, and every concern I have ever had. Wow. I am in Awe of who he is and what he is doing. THAT is the beginning of wisdom, of knowing who God really is. If we really know who God is and what he can do, why do we worry about our daily life decisions? Don’t you think the One who created you to have needs will provide for those needs and desires? 

However, the fear of the Lord is only the “beginning of wisdom!” We must actively seek wisdom by seeking God is every aspect of our daily lives. Do you actively seek him on a daily basis? I am not talking about do you have a “quiet time” every day, or pray over your meal. I am talking about hardcore pursuing to know God and what he wants for you? (CLEARLY this is the Holy Spirit typing this, because I can honestly say I have not been doing this…) God craves a relationship with you and wants to show you his amazing plan for your life. Have you decided to write your own story instead?
He is there through life's decisions, not matter how big or small. Seek Him. 
Think on these things… If you have questions, or would like for me to pray for you, please email me.   

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