How would you describe your 2016?
While I was running today, something I haven’t taken time to do so far this year, I had an epiphany. (Do you ever have those moments when you are doing something normal and suddenly it turns into a teaching moment?) It is Saturday, which being a weekly “chill day” I decided not to put my contacts in so I just stuck with wearing my glasses. I went to the gym with some friends, which was probably a bad idea since sweat and glasses don’t mix. For a differentiation in my routine, I went for a run outside after. (Now imagine: sweat + glasses + active movement = bad idea).
After a while, I slowed down for a walk and started talking with God about 2017. This year is starting a new life chapter and lots of change. Graduation in May, which means learning to say goodbye to what I have been used to the past three years. Preparing to witness childhood friends get married, moving out, moving back in, finding a job, ministry, church, friends, etc. It can be a bit overwhelming if I think about it… But the conversation on my heart today was about the Lord’s plan for my life.
Many of you know, I have spent a couple weeks in Canada over the last two summers. The last time I was in Canada, something looked and felt different. I started looking at things with familiarity, aside from the fact I have been there before of course. I began to see God in a bigger way. I saw Him move, I saw a glimmer of hope in the lives of the people we talked to. I began envisioning myself there, investing in the students’ lives, and mobilizing others to tune into what I was seeing. It was weird.
I remember the words of Henry Blackaby in his book, “Experiencing God” when he challenged his readers to “find out where God is working and ask to be a part of it.” Since I saw God working in Canada, I craved to be a part of what He is doing there. I started praying about it when I returned from my two-week trip. However, I was not actively seeking Canada, I was actively seeking the Lord and Canada kept coming up. In scriptures, I read, to learning different attributes of God, to heart prayers, it was an all-consuming thought.
Last week I received a list of all the things I would need to get in order before I were to join the team in Canada. It was overwhelming! So many things to do, on top of everything else I am already involved with this semester. I keep running to God for relief from this anxiety, which was the topic of my walk with the Lord today.
I was tired of my glasses sliding down my nose, so I took them off and held them in my hand as I walked. I looked up at the path and stopped dead in my tracks. I felt the Spirit reveal to me what journey I was on. Walking down that path with bad blurry vision, I just had to focus on the step right in front of me. I couldn’t tell where the trail was taking me, because my vision wouldn’t allow me to. However, it was like the Lord was beckoning me just to walk in faith and He would direct me.
As I walk through the future of uncertainty, I was reminded to finish the race strong and not focus on where I have been, but just the next step in front of me.
I know not many people will read this, but if you have, Thank you. I hope this encourages you that no matter what you are facing in life right now, no matter what bills you need to pay, no matter what decisions you face, the Lord only asks you to take the step in front of you.
(Picture taken from Google images)
"The heart of man plans his way,
but the LORD establishes his steps." -Proverbs 16:9